No clubs required for this round of golf

Intramurals hosted a disc golf tournament on East Campus on April 19. Targets were set up around the perimeter of East Campus and students paired off for the tournament. Fortunately for those playing, the wind was much calmer than usual that day, and few cries of “Heads up!” were heard. Photos by Joseph Martinez/Foghorn Rios (left) and Ricardo Alaniz finish up a round of disc golf ready to start the next one. Sarah Torres concentrates as she tosses the disc while Enrique Rios watches her make her throw. Intramurals hosted a disc golf tournament on April 19 on East Campus.

Foghorn staffers say their goodbyes to Del Mar College

  Samantha Douty Editor-in-chief It saddens me that this is my last issue of the Foghorn. My time at Del Mar College and the Foghorn are coming to a close, but I will never forget my time here. I started at the Foghorn my first semester at DMC. I was in my mass communication class, when Robert Muilenburg offered extra credit to anyone who worked for the paper. Me, being the nerd I am, jumped at the opportunity, and I am grateful I did. I worked for the newspaper in high school and I promised myself I wouldn’t continue in…

Time to link college degree, citizenship

The topic of immigration has been an escalating issue in this year’s election between Republicans and Democrats. As the fight for the presidency continues, America is becoming more and more concerned about the topic. Some would say there already are too many illegal immigrants in this country. But the question we should be asking is, is there a way to allow immigrants working here in the United States to become eligible for citizenship faster? Can we make the process benefit both the undocumented immigrants and the country’s working class? Many already know that if one serves in the military he…

SGA wins honors

The Del Mar College Student Government Association brought home several awards from the Texas Junior College Student Government Association “REV IT UP” state convention April 7-10 in Austin. The SGA competed in four contests: Student of the Year, Chapter of the Year, Poetry of the Year and Community Service Project of the Year. The group won first place in the Community Service Project. The project was to build a playground from the ground up in eight hours. This project was coordinated by KaaBoom, St. Paul United Methodist Church, the Del Mar College Viking Volunteer Program and many other organizations. KaaBoom…