Healthy turnout at ceremony

The Del Mar College nursing program has received special recognition for its work in producing outstanding results within their program. The program has received accreditation through 2026. This is an outstanding accomplishment for the college program because of its high quality nursing education standards. The pinning ceremony was a successful commemoration of the hard work and dedication that students and faculty show toward the program.

America’s favorite family makes on-screen comeback

Family is more than enough in this movie with the Incredibles The heat wasn’t the only thing that packed a punch this summer. After a 14-year wait, the supers finally made a comeback in Disney Pixar’s “Incredibles 2.” Picking up where the last movie left off, the super-powered family has to stop The Underminer from destroying the city. However, the family is conflicted whether to use their powers because supers are still illegal. This becomes the central plot of the film. After the family successfully stops the attack on the city, they automatically face the repercussions of using their superpowers…

Dun dun… dun … don’t see this movie about a shark

If you haven’t been to the beach in a while, “The Meg” might actually discourage you from going. The movie, which hit theaters Aug. 10, revolves around the discovery of a prehistoric shark thought to long be extinct called the Megalodon. The film focuses on an underwater expedition crew that is conducting research on deeper levels of the ocean. However, their efforts are thwarted by the creature at every turn, attacking the crew and leaving them clueless as to how to stop it. The movie, however, lacks many components to make it a film worthy of your ticket price. The…

Class focuses on career readiness

With competition for jobs growing, Del Mar College hopes to expand students’ future employment skills through a new class. Students in the Learning Frameworks class will focus on problem solving, communication skills and learning how to present themselves to potential employers. “All these skills are very transferable into the workplace,” said Christine Lamb, instructor of Student Success and founder of the new course. The skills taught in the class will give students an advantage to get their foot in the door, Lamb said. “We don’t oftentimes get to pick where we are working, or who we are working with,” she…

More options for GED students

Del Mar College plans to up the “dreams delivered” part of its motto with the Coastal Bend SHRM Job Fair. The fair will take place at 10.a.m to 2.p.m on Friday May 18th, and early admission for veterans will be available at 9.a.m. The Career Development Department will gather multiple employers from around the community to interact with and recruit students for employment. Career Counselor Fernando Garza and Career Development Coordinator Vanessa Adkins contact numerous employers each job fair to give students a variety of employers to interact with. The college holds several job fairs each year. “We have a…